
Welcome to our Pricing Guide! Here, we'll explain how we charge for using AITurk and provide you with some helpful information.

When you use AITurk, we charge based on the total number of words and total number and size of images in research materials and responses, research type, sample size, and service fee. The total number of words depends on the length of text contexts, number of questions, the types of questions, etc.

Total fee = F(total number of words and total number and size of images in research materials and responses, research type, sample size, service fee)

Before you proceed with payment, we will provide an estimated fee for your review.

Time and Cost Advantages

Conducting a typical five-minute online experiment with 300 participants, would take approximately 0.5 minutes and cost $6 in AITurk, increasing time efficiency by 1440 times and cost efficiency by 30 times (compared with in MTurk, see Table 1).

Table 1. Time and Cost Comparisons between MTurk and AITurk: A Typical Five-Minute Online Experiment with 300 Participants

PropertyMTurkAITurkComparison: Efficiency Increase
Time720 minutes (12 hours)0.5 minutes1440 times
Cost$180$630 times


  • (1) MTurk's service fee rate is 20%, and we assume participants are paid $6 per hour (Chandler et al., 2019).
  • (2) When recruiting participants from specific population segments, especially from some minority groups (e.g., LGBTQIA+, American Indians or Alaska natives, etc.), the time and costs largely increase in online crowdsourcing platforms (e.g., MTurk). These increases arise because online crowdsourcing platforms typically lack diverse representation (Goodman & Paolacci, 2017; Peer et al., 2017), making it harder to find participants from these groups. In contrast, when recruiting these groups of participants in AITurk, the time and costs remain nearly the same as for more common population segments.
  • (3) If the speed and price of ChatGPT 4.0 change, the estimated time and cost of AITurk will change accordingly, as they are based on the current speed and price of ChatGPT 4.0. Also, the actual time of AITurk can be affected by the computing resources available during testing.

Different Currencies

We offer flexible payment options — you can pay for our services in either US Dollars (USD) or Chinese Yuan (CNY).

Invoice Provision

Upon completion of your transaction, we will provide you with an invoice for your records and financial tracking.

We hope this guide has helped you understand how we charge services. If you have further questions or need assistance, our support team is here to help. Please contact us via email at or through our WeChat official account: . Thank you for choosing AITurk.


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